August 8, 2015

"Ultimately more harmful than helpful." My Review of Abraham-Hicks

This blog was born after I wrote a comprehensive, one-star review of the Abraham-Hicks books on Amazon, based on my 5 years of experience.

Updated as of October 2019 for 2 main reasons:

1. A lot of time has passed! Originally, I used this piece to work through my disillusionment and caution others. Now I've updated it to serve mostly a teaching function.

2. My beliefs changed. My spiritual beliefs once included many New Age concepts that I've moved on from. I can't advise you on what I don't know. But hopefully I can get you thinking.

The review is posted below. It's a full dissection of the Abraham-Hicks ideology and its consequences, written for those who are experiencing similar problems.

5 Years a Committed Follower of Abraham-Hicks: Ultimately More Harmful Than Helpful

A mix of harmful and helpful info from a questionable source

These teachings do seem great and feel great at first, but eventually I found them harmful, not helpful.

A word to the wise, if something seems too good to be true: IT IS.

I was committed to these teachings for 5 years. They encouraged an emotional high that made me feel my life was amazing. I felt I knew the secrets of the universe.

This is the main strategy of the book: It tells you only good news and teaches you to manipulate your mood so you feel good about everything and deny anything negative.

Like a drug, one of the reasons for the rave reviews is that it promotes highs and feelings of enlightenment.

So, does it work?

It's a mix of helpful and harmful information.

I used this to get through dark times. It helped me feel better and more empowered than ever. That's what happens when you buy into a philosophy that says you are all-powerful, there is no reason to feel bad, and you must feel good to get what you want. Daring to believe this, true or not, can indeed lead to some positive changes.

Like other self-help, Abraham-Hicks (A-H) does promote self-worth, empowered attitudes, living with intention, and so on.

I would not seek to separate anyone from their meaningful beliefs that may be providing a lifeline for them.

But I will speak the truth as I see it for those who need to detox and move away from A-H.

Some of the results I experienced were genuine shifts: My thinking expanded, I got closely in touch with myself, and I believed in myself.

However, a lot of the results were emotional hype, temporary, ultimately unhelpful, or not based in reality.

There are many self-help avenues to an improved life, and I recommend those that do not promote a single, all-encompassing ideology with falsehoods sprinkled throughout.

First, this information is said to be channeled. Is it coming from Esther Hicks herself? Something beyond Esther?

Abers don't really care. They fiercely appreciate the message, so they figure it's only important that the words fill them with hope, love, and enthusiasm.

Now that the enchantment has worn off, I am humbled by my own naivety. Emotions are easily manipulated and exploited.

Intense positive emotion can have a positive domino effect in your life, but that doesn’t mean the idea that made you feel good was pure truth and wisdom.

I understand the temptation to surrender to something that feels right. But take care what you surrender to, and examine the source.

What IS the source?

Abraham is described as something like "leading edge, nonphysical group consciousness."

This impressive-but-vague attribution imbues the sermons with more spiritual authority, while there is no actual accountability. A-H can say really anything, and it can't be verified.

Some people regard Abraham as God or God-like.

While longing for some divine connection in your life is not foolish, it IS foolish to believe that Abraham is literally God speaking through (and making money for) Esther Hicks.

If you regard Abraham as one or many non-human entities, you still can't automatically accept this information as some sort of higher wisdom.

Different spiritual and religious traditions have similar concepts (ancestors, spirits, guides, angels, ghosts, jinn, demons, channeling, attachment, possession) where entities range from benevolent to evil.

So even if you believe Esther channels otherworldly beings, this is still not a reason to blindly accept Esther's words.

Don't romanticize so-called channeled information as automatically better, more pure, more truthful, or without an agenda.

And if you think the teachings are just coming from a human woman named Esther, what makes her the authority on the whole Universe? What makes her infallible?

At the end of the day, you have a charismatic guru delivering their convictions for whatever their reasons. Critical thinking is required.

My life seemed unique through my special Law of Attraction filter, but it was no different from regular life

As for so-called manifesting, during my Abrahaze I was overjoyed to find the perfect item in a store, get a great parking space, find a nice apartment, have an inspiring conversation with a stranger, or come across a solution to any problem.

I was enthused about ANY synchronicity or "manifestation," because I was taught to see it as a sign of my specially cultivated "point of attraction."

After the Abrahaze, I realized that this is just normal life. Synchronicity happened before and still happens now. Solutions present themselves. People ask questions and answers show up, just without the special story behind it.

When you attach magical thinking and look for meaning in every experience, you find meaning whether it's there or not. It reminds me of observing episodes of psychosis where the sufferer found secret meaning encoded in every event and item.

That's what Abraham-Hicks taught me to do is see normal life through a special lens of magic.

When I finally stopped to look around, however, my life was just not any different from anyone else's.

I became well-practiced in thinking and feeling differently, but the life that was promised never came to be. My inner life was hyped up, but my outer life remained a “mixed bag” of manifestations and was utterly comparable to everyone else’s life.

If these teachings were presented as an emotional experience rather than a secret to worldly success, it would lose its huge following, but it would be more honest. Instead it caused problems.

Problems: Denial, ineffective problem-solving, willful ignorance

I was in denial about what was really going on in my life.

A-H teaches not to acknowledge reality but to focus on reality as you'd like it to be.

This leads Abers to become overly subjective, only giving weight to their inner world rather than the actual condition of their lives.

This is thoroughly encouraged, but it is not effective. It does not change actual reality.

I did not deal with problems in normal, effective ways.

Instead of real-world action, Abers are told to use their thoughts and emotions to attract what is desired.

For example, rather than set boundaries or end unequal friendships with people who used me, I focused on what I appreciated about these people. I wrote about great relationships. I chose to see only the positive and really FEEL it, as I was coached to do.

I was supposed to see my thoughts as the real problem and change my “vibration" so only great friendships could be a part of my experience.

This, of course, did not work. Now imagine employing this tactic in every area of your life, including in serious situations (I discuss "reckless advice" further down).

It taught me to avert my eyes from problems in the world.

The world is full of problems that require attention and action. But A-H teaches that everything is perfect and that looking at problems makes them worse.

So Abers feel very noble. They believe they help the world most by simply turning the other cheek and feeling good.

I'd like to survey people who have tangibly improved the world and see if this anesthetized approach was the secret behind their success!

A-H gives followers welcome relief from the fear and helplessness that comes with living in this overwhelming world. But resilience can and should be accomplished without denial.

Problems: Brainwashed into believing and constantly going back for more

It's all happening on the inside, not in actual reality.

Abers can spend years in a brainwashed head space where they perceive amazing things to be happening, but mostly it's transpiring on the inside in the form of stories and beliefs.

When reality attempted to slip in, I had to fend it off.

To get myself back on track, I would run back to the A-H books, Youtube videos, meditations, and the Abe Forum.

This is very common among dedicated Abers. You'll hear the phrase, "You have to do the work." This is part of doing the work to be a "deliberate creator."

Now that I’m on the other side, I say it's more like addiction and brainwashing.

It led me to attempting to create and sustain emotional highs as often as possible.

That is not, and will never be, wisdom.

There are clear parallels between this ideology and addiction: escape reality, escape negative emotion, stay high, numb your discomfort, avoid pain, seek pleasure...

A-H may contain some useful nuggets for emotional management. But it also advocates for escapism, emotional manipulation, and intolerance for regular old human life.

Problems: Distorted emotional functioning, plus self-blame

It created inner frustration and denial in me because I was not spontaneously feeling my authentic emotions.

You can’t look away from the truth, choose to make up your own truth, and not register the dissonance of that deep down.

I can now see this strain and dissonance clearly in others who try to alter reality by tightly controlling their thoughts and feelings.

It taught me that emotions are my guidance system using an erroneous, unhealthy model.

Our emotional guidance is skewed by Abraham-Hicks into a system for measuring how true something is: If a thought makes us feel good, it's supposedly a true, worthwhile thought that's aligned with Source.

Therefore whatever we want to believe, including the appealing promises of A-H, must be taken as true (convenient).

This also dismantles a person's built-in emotional protection, like telling Spiderman that his spidey senses—rather than alerting him to danger—indicate that he should change his problem thinking to something more positive.

Also according to A-H, our emotions indicate what we are manifesting: Good feelings mean good manifestations, bad feelings mean unwanted manifestations.

So your basic, very human, very complex emotions get removed from their true context and become something to constantly steer around in pursuit of pleasing manifestations.

This is such a misuse of emotion that it is confusing to a person at a very basic level. It scrambles our intuition, critical thinking, and authentic experience. Not to mention the fact that the Universe does not revolve around your mood, which is basically what modern Law of Attraction preaches.

If the teachings aren't working for you, it's YOUR fault.

If it's not going the way A-H said, then it’s because you personally failed.

  • You weren't able to resist the ultimate, vibration-destroying act of noticing that nothing is happening.
  • Your point-of-attraction was not where you thought it was.
  • You weren't actually feeling as good as you thought you were.

Abers reinforce this, pointing out possible areas where you’re holding resistance or not “doing the work.”

The flaws of the teachings themselves are never responsible, because these teachings are held as flawless.

Problems: Spiritual superiority, social isolation, reckless advice

Followers can't help but feel special and superior, because they supposedly know how everything in the world works and why everything happens.

People want to believe that they understand everything that happens in their lives, other people's lives, and the world at large.

This philosophy delivers this sense of security (and superiority) by giving a sure explanation for every facet of the world. Again, this is not wisdom.

It isolated me from other people.

Abers feel like they know more than non-Abers, plus they don't want to waste any time talking about normal subjects in non-Abraham-like ways.

After all, it could increase their resistance, make them feel something less than good, and mess up their vibration and manifestations.

This belief system leads to bad advice, sometimes with disastrous and tragic consequences.

Husband is cheating on you? Look inside for why you attracted it. Work on your vibration because he could not have done this unless it was in your vibration.

Addicted to alcohol? Take the path of least resistance, which might be continuing to drink but changing how you feel about your problem.

What is an Aber's measure of success to know if advice has helped them? If they feel better.

There is also the case of Sharon Lee Giganti who renounced her beliefs after she gave a friend New Age answers about suicide, and then the friend took her own life.

Using truths, half-truths, and lies to create superstitious followers

These teachings appeal to those of us who really, really want to believe the world works this way.

Short-cuts, effortlessness, everything you could ever want, a perfect world, no pain, no reason to ever feel bad... This book is full of sweet lies made to sound like the deepest wisdom. It's made to resonate with the parts of us that wish it could be so.

Believing harder does not make it so. Having a large, brainwashed fan-base also does not make it so.

Having come out the other side, I can see how this ideology stays afloat despite its falsehoods.

It's a panacea. It's intoxicating to us.

It gives peace. Hope. Relief.

It provides something we felt was missing, incorporating spiritual truths that profoundly resonate.

But it also incorporates pleasing lies that lead us deeper and deeper.

We are told that the more we believe, the better things will be for us. So we indoctrinate ourselves into believing more fully.

We squash our own "resistance" (and thus our critical thinking and natural warning system) so we don't inhibit our positive manifestations.

We are taught we can improve our results by seeking confirming evidence everywhere. So we start to count everything that occurs as proof of our own "point of attraction." We are not actually controlling the circumstances that we're observing, but we fall into a bias called the illusion of control.

If we don’t get the results, our recourse is to focus more, hype ourselves up more, reinforce the false beliefs more, and repeatedly return to our guru(s) for the key to making this unworkable system work.

Abraham-Hicks will talk circles around every question, repeat the same unworkable concepts, and fool us into believing that feeling happy is the real success anyway.

There is so much manipulation here, but it goes unseen. Critical thinking is surrendered in exchange for a bigger, better promise: the life of our dreams.

As for life after A-H, suffice it to say that reality is always better than lies in the end.

My life has improved on the inside AND the outside.

  • The inner tension from living in such an unnatural state has lifted.
  • I don't manipulate my mood or dream up fantasies and mistake it for accomplishment.
  • My personal evolution is faster and more authentic without distorted spiritual beliefs.
  • I don't have to push away reality!
  • And I'm not handicapping my success in life by over-emphasizing emotional energy in a world that is so much more than that.

Not the path to an effective relationship with yourself and the world

I can't say that Abraham-Hicks can't be useful for some, for a time. And I do not object to every concept taught.

I also acknowledge that spiritual beliefs are a personal, often sacred choice.

But make sure you really are choosing, not just caught up in a manipulation.

Despite potential for value, there is also potential for addiction and departure from reality. I do not believe this is a responsible movement overall, and I would avoid serious commitment to this material.

These are not just books, they are an entire belief system. If you subscribe to this belief system, you will feel all-powerful and tapped into great wisdom. But in hindsight, you may see how misled you were, like many disillusioned ex-followers.

It's one thing to agree with and incorporate some Law-of-Attraction-flavored wisdom into your personal beliefs.

But do not surrender your mind to one simplified ideology.

Success requires reinforcing different circuits inside than the ones that A-H helps you reinforce. A-H reinforces some circuits that will make you less effective, not more.

And for anyone reading this who is currently a committed Aber, I eventually had to accept the simplest explanation for why my big dreams weren't materializing. You should consider the simplest explanation as well.

If reading this makes you feel bad, it's not because you're separating yourself from the knowledge of your inner being. It's not because you're pinching yourself off from Source Energy. It's because sometimes the truth doesn't feel good. And that's OK.

We are living on Earth, after all, not in heaven.

For more content, please see my Ko-fi page where you can find a list of additional resources, support this blog, and buy the ebook of all Responsible Spirituality articles no longer available online.


  1. OMG. What I just went through with these people. (abeforum, where they follow the "law" of abrahams aka Esther Hicks teachings.

    I think they are a cult. And really creepy. I wish I had someone to really share it with. They did ban me, it had to be. My belief system is too incompatible with theirs. They don't believe in people making their own judgements. They think being real, honest about your feelings is actually a problem. I can't even think of how I went along with such people for so long. And my life has been so painful, I've been sick for so long following these people. Its a shame. I had to get better, and part of getting better was literally reclaiming my brain from the noxious concepts that there is some authority outside of me that could tell me to suspend my emotions and my thoughts and focus on what they say, and thats somehow helpful. wow. what a trip its been. I can't wait to plaster the internet with screenshots of how absolutely mean and anti logic they are.

    Esthers Hicks, says she is channeling 100 or more spirits, including her deceased husband, and she goes around encouraging people to believe everything they get in life is strictly due to them. And that they don't owe anyone anything, ever. And that the truth is just a thought you keep thinking, and that's what makes up reality. Facts are just your thoughts that you kept repeating to yourself.

    Apparently, in one of their books they mention a chain of pain, that you don't want to be part of. Because if a hurt person hurts you then you should get over it. But strangely, or not so strangely, there is no chain of pleasure, where you are simply receiving the good graces of your parents care, roads already built, people holding doors for you. No. Theres no chain of pleasure. You don't owe anyone anything. You can't really give them a gift, because they are doing it themselves. Your Good will means NOTHING to no one but yourself. Evil, is just reaching for alignment, so evil intentions, are just people trying to feel better!

    But, Esther Hicks message is so fluid, that she will probably read this and one of her 101 personalities will say something like it later on. Then again, shes so die hard against charity, holding people accountable, so maybe not.

    Apparently the "chain of pleasure" (my term) actually weakens people. Everything is just you alone. Yes, it was you who fed yourself as a baby, and you who punched yourself in the nose in 6th grade. Its bad for you to blame the bully, and bad for you to thank your mother. No one is accountable. As Esther Hicks receives your money, she doesn't owe you any honesty or a coherent message.

    Esther Hicks style is parasitic. You get to enjoy the fruit of others labor while claiming it is your own, and like wise, you are NOT to correct wrong doers, after all, they are only reaching for alignment. So what kind of world is that?

  2. Gigi, can I ever relate. A huge congratulations to you on reclaiming your brain. And oh yes, the Abe forum: brains OFF, Gospel of Abraham ON.

    Regarding the message being so fluid. How convenient to build in as many “get out of jail free” cards as needed. A-H gets to backtrack, contradict, redesign, and tack new things onto the message, and then call it actively co-creating on the leading edge of thought.

    Even if these teachings did have the best intentions for its followers, it dilutes reality, and twists definitions of integrity, compassion, and authenticity (and Abers follow it without discrimination believing it is absolute Truth).

    Thank you for your great comments here. If you do set up screenshots or writing of any sort, let me know so I can add you to my Links page.

  3. Gigi/GailyAugust 23, 2015

    I didn't mean to imbed that into your blog. I'm still figuring out imgur. Its clickable though. 2 or 3 clicks and it will become pretty big. I was so surprised to see it there, sorry if its in the wrong place. oops


  4. Gigi/GailyAugust 23, 2015

    Funnily enough, I still believe in loa, but it seems Esther's has concentrated all of the messages of loa that are objectionable and useless. Plus added, no thinking allowed.

    For me, law of attraction is mastered when you can take action, do the thing, then give yourself a credit for your intentions, no matter how it turns out. Giving yourself credit for your intentions, and then allowing, not Esther style "forced allowing", but genuinely letting yourself feel good and feel connected with your intentions and satisfied with your efforts. Letting yourself feel the way you want to feel, knowing you did your best, and having the feeling that the door is open, good things can come, thats it.

    I've seen what feels like "magic" doing that. But with Esther Hick's technique. You wont get there, unless you already have such a strong grasp on self trust and self validation and self empathy. Because if you don't already feel good and reject abuse, she will talk you into accepting all sorts of bad things. If you don't have a strong grasp and whats right for you, you may even quit your job etc. I know there are people who did quit their jobs because of her.

    I can see how her philosophy would appeal to those who are criminal, or morally deficient, or are victims or for some reason feel completely helpless. Because it gives the criminal/deficient type a free pass, and the helpless sort, a chance to feel they can get themselves together despite having no external recourse. Maybe a helpless person only feels the changes they have access to are on the inside. And you know, I'm not against that person making those changes either. Intentions do matter. Feelings do matter. I do believe 'Where there is a will there is a way". - Because its encouraging. And I believe, encouragement works. It does matter how you feel.

    But she is not really about finding a path to your dreams, or forum that seems to advertise only her products would probably better reflect that. she had the first 3 steps, now she has 4 and 5? Its about selling a product. The abeforum doesn't advertise anyone else workshops, cruises or allow linking to non official abe hicks stuff. Only hers. I think she is more connected to the forum than she lets on.

    But that sort of behavior is in alignment with her teachings. Because lies are simply ways to feel better. I feel kind of sad that I was so duped. And people have known this stuff for years. I feel an urge to just keep posting my experience as a response to her being so prolific. Its wrong what she is doing.

  5. Gigi/Gaily, I still shake my head, and it's been a couple years. I read an article somewhere about gurus, and how one telling sign of a false guru is if they leave a trail of ex-followers that are ANGRY and feel like they have been fooled.

    At least those of us who are disillusioned can help bring other people perspective. In my Abrahaze I ignored any wrongdoing because otherwise I thought I was making it bigger in the world and bringing it into my own life as well. Another lie. And a very effective means of control. So by all means, speak up, repeat yourself, point out that the emperor is not wearing clothes.

    Thank you for the screenshot. I aim to add that to the links page. I am surprised (but not sure why I'm surprised) that that got you banned and was deleted. The Abe Forum reminds me of one of those false utopias like in sci fi books and movies where it looks good on the surface but there is censorship, suppression, and a creepy demand for conformity going on underneath it all.

    I potentially believe in something like Law of Attraction as well, but no longer in the way that it has become popularized. And I don't think about it much in my life or try to use it as a technique. But I love that there are ex-Abers coming from every perspective. No one has to agree on everything, but I like that we can agree "something is rotten in the state of Denmark."

  6. Bb, if you have anything worthwhile to say that contributes to a discussion, then I'll be happy to engage. As it stands, your rude comment is about as useful as spam and will be treated as spam next time.

  7. I am not an Aber nor I ever will be but I have read a few books and I have found it interesting.

    The concept of the "Law of Attraction", unfortunately, is distorted like in so many other teachings taking out of a greater concept.

    I have studied the 7 Principles which the LOA is only one part of them.

    That been said it I always asking myself why people are so in need to have a GURU in their lives and why they stop thinking for themselves and therefore will getting brainwashed.

    I don't know you and I only can conclude from your article where I certainly see that you have stopped thinking in those 5 years and took everything Abraham teaches as a core value and an absolute truth.

    I do channel since 1992 with higher beings also called "Spiritual Teachers" which always encourage the person who is asking to see for themselves if the answer given to them does resonate with them.

    Those spiritual teachers will never "force" anyone to follow them blindly nor will they condemn anyone who chooses otherwise.
    In other words, the "power" is and will be always in your hands.

    We all do have a "personal power" and it is up to us if we are ready to acknowledge that we either giving this power away or we using it to better our lives.

    No one ever can and will take this decision away from you.

    I will give you a link where you can read more about the 7 Principles, those Principles are thousand of years old so not belong to any New Age movement.

    The LOA, actually being called, "Cause and Effect", is only one of these Principles.

    I wish you always a great success and all the best to you.

  8. wow! i wrote a reply then started reading comments and i'm lost for words and deleted it - so much bitterness and obsessive thinking! ( do you have dismissive avoidant attachement issues i wonder?)
    I think bottom line is that you just not getting it, and the reason for that is because you are not taking responsibility for yourself and seek to blame others for your subsequent lack of success (and after 5 years - that's a remarkable lack of success if you still don't 'get it').
    Good luck though - i hope you find the teacher that works for you... there are plenty of them out there!

  9. Responsible SpiritualityFebruary 22, 2017

    Hi Sylvia,

    Thank you for the comment and link! I have not browsed through it yet, however, I can say I agree that Law of Attraction is only one principle. I have found there to be an imbalance in most Law of Attraction teachings I've come across that says the world only functions on this single idea. I agree with your words that some teachers have distorted it. Perhaps as a way to simplify and monetize it in order to cash in.

    Regarding channeling, it sounds like all is well with you and you understand personal power to an extent that many lose touch with. You seem to have it in perspective, whereas many a spiritual seeker assumes that smarts aren't needed when it comes to spiritual paths. New Age culture is often about surrender and "allowing" instead.

    And a last note, I noticed you specified that *I* stopped thinking during my period of involvement: this is a problem with the teachings in that it's a belief system that unavoidably leads enthusiasts down an extreme path that diverges from reality. I see it in my Abraham friends/family, as well this effect has been noted by others in comments on my Amazon reviews. You can read more at this blog post if you are interested:

  10. Responsible SpiritualityFebruary 22, 2017

    Hi Mel. Oh dear, "dismissive avoidant attachment issues?" No, I do not have those. If you are reading bitterness and obsessive thinking in the above post, it's probably because it was my first crack at explaining the damage I experienced through following this ideology, and there was a lot I had to say. It's a good thing I did, because I have received feedback from grateful others with similar experiences.

    I wish you had expanded somewhat on your thoughts so I could reply, but thanks anyway for the comments on my "remarkable lack of success," and good luck to you as well.

  11. Thank you for this important. Like others I dabbled in these teachings but they just didn't add up to me. A face value they appear so positive and truthful but not in practice. I am really concerned about the narcissistic aspect to this kind of thing and the shallow message. People have been doing what "feels good" since time began and look at the world. At the risk of sounding flippant in my response, I read most of the Hicks books and watched hours of the clips and still it did not add up. I am concerned that people will become obsessed with their thoughts. And to be healthy, you really have to experience your full range of emotions and not attempt to suppress the more "negative" one for fear of attracting a bad experience. I don't know whether Esther Hicks is a fraud but how can we know if she is channelling Jesus when others are claiming to be, and imparting a different message? I doubt if Jesus was or is as shallow as that. The guilt these kinds of teachings inspire is cause for concern too. People feel responsible for atrocious experiences that they basically do not have control over. How can this kind of message help a rape victim, somebody in a difficult domestic situation or a very serious illness? And what of those whose brain chemicals hinder them from "finding a good feeling thought", are they doomed to experience bad things? Would God really be so shallow as to create an intricate, ordered universe with such a shallow premise at it's heart? I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings Like you, Responsible Spirituality, I would encourage people to be more critical of this kind of thing. It may chime with you but it ultimately appeals to selfish human nature.

  12. Responsible SpiritualityApril 19, 2017

    PureHeart - thank you for taking the time to respond. Great point that people have been doing what feels good since time began! And I very much agree with the other important problems you illuminated: the narcissistic and shallow aspect of this premise, obsession with thoughts, fear of bringing negative experiences down upon one's head, and on and on. Thanks again for the insightful comment.

  13. Thank you so much for this thoughtful, insightful, well-written piece. I only drank the Kool-aid for about 6 weeks, but trying to feel good felt like it was SO MUCH WORK. But if it feels like work, then I'm trying too hard??

    I still believe in magic -- I call synchronous things "magic", and I still see synchronicity. Unlike you, I never did believe in a God, nor do I now. I do believe that a higher self is with me, guiding me (when I can hear or feel it) into doing normally unlikely things which result in extraordinarily positive consequences for others. And it has literally saved my life on at least one occasion. (12 years old. Train tracks. Enough said.)

    Here's the contradiction I didn't see you mention in your review/post that I never could shake: If we came here to experience physical reality, what sense does it make to then tell us we meant to come here to IGNORE physical reality, and/or to effect changes on the physical plane mostly with our thoughts? What the hell?!

  14. Responsible SpiritualityAugust 25, 2017

    Great comment, thanks Karen. I assume it is somewhat common for those of us who are aware of some form of underlying magic/synchronicity in life to initially resonate with Law of Attraction teachings. It makes it harder to pick out what's NOT true when there's enough that jives with one's intuition and experience. Good for you for your less-than-2-months stint.

    Brilliantly described contradiction in the last paragraph! So important! And it's one of the key aspects of "responsible spirituality" as far as I'm concerned. Learn to be human, on earth. Not an angel trying to experience heaven or bypass earth-life via superhuman mental energy or whatever else. There are threads of that sentiment elsewhere at this blog, perhaps most notably in the post/comments here.

  15. Hi !! I don't know if you still use this page or not but I just wanna say thank you so much for existing haha , I am 17 and started to listen to Abraham for like 5 months but when I do anything I go all the way . I go hard that's just the way I am , and maybe because of that I was able to feel and see the fallacy in it early on and it took a great deal of pain til I had to let it all go and see what was happening . I'm so glad to freely feel negative emotion again and empathy and just like a normal healthy human . Emotional well being is not rejecting or eliminating negative emotion it's learning to work with it and be ok with it . You honestly can't even control your emotions or thoughts I tried so hard it sucked ass , I'm still a little shaken from time to time because you really do brainwash yourself for hours on end . I stopped listening maybe like a month or so ago and tell me why I'm happier now ??? haha , anyway I was curious to see if I was the only one and was extreamly happy I wasn't . Realizing that Abrahams teaching was just one way of seeing the world and not a very healthy one and that's it was painful but I love that I understand the value of pain and that life will always suck sometimes and that's ok , a book that really shook me up was mark mansons "the subtle art of not giving a fuck " I highly reccomend . But yeah I'm still 'recovering' lol I guess you could say from such a vibrant illusion of chasing highs and " happiness is all you need " bullshit . But I'm so much more emotionally stable and understanding than ever before . It feels good to be , like , human again . Negative emotion is really what makes us human and I wouldent give that up for the world now . It's not only necessary but beneficial. Also how can you trust an entity that has no experience with negative emotion ? It's just kinda weird . I kinda joke about it and say I was in a cult haha but it's just crazy to like see how naïve you can be . It's funny because since then I have created the habit of doubt , questioning . You could even say I'm a healthy skeptic . You know something totally unacceptable in those teachings and my life is so much better . I feel like myself again . Content , silly , typical normal angsty teen (; with no shame in being that way . I used to admire " positivity " in others but now I admire others who feel any type of way and are cool w it . Anyways thank you . I LOVE YOU I just felt like saying that haha bye

  16. Responsible SpiritualityNovember 28, 2017

    Hi Izzy. I know we've communicated a bit but I didn't want to leave this comment posted here without a reply. Just want to say thanks again for sharing your wisdom. This comment puts a smile on my face and delivers impressive insight way beyond your chronological age. Best of luck to you in the recovery process and beyond!

  17. I've loved all of your articles, but this one really says it all. My intuition was (IS!) my superpower. And these teachings helped me pervert my connection to it/understanding of it. "Source is never guiding you away from something unwanted"... Is that so?? Good to know that the uneasiness I felt in my gut around certain people meant that my thoughts about them were out of alignment with those of Source. Actually, IN REALITY, they turned out to be malignant narcissists, which my gut KNEW, long before there was any evidence/manifestation to point to. And oh boy, what a manifestation there eventually was! But see, Abe even has THIS inevitable situation covered- "If you think there's a monster in the bushes next to you- move". They go on to say this is guidance being filtered through your resistance, because if you didn't have so much resistance, that "monster" would've never gotten anywhere near you, and you would've just been guided to rendezvous only with things that made you feel good. No!! We are human, living amongst other humans, not fluffy bunny rabbits and puppies. You WANT those alarm bells to ring! And to be aware of what it means!

  18. Responsible SpiritualityFebruary 19, 2018

    All so true, Angelina. Thank you for commenting. The twisting and denial of intuition is such a harmful aspect to be sure. My way of seeing other people and protecting myself was very mixed up, and there were MANY painful and confusing results from that. I was learning the opposite of what I needed to learn in order to be strong, firm, mature, and wise. Funny how trying to live in that false fluffy-bunny-puppy world only leads to weakening oneself and one's instincts!

    And exactly right about the tricky fail-safes within A-H. Another rule or explanation gets pulled out so that any mess the follower is led into is always, always said to be the individual's fault.

  19. Hi all!

    Found this site when looking for A-H opinion on a specific subject.

    I listened to A-H a lot when I wasn’t doing that well a couple of years ago and it helped me. Then I stopped and now I listen to his videos from time to time.

    I read the article above as well as the comments below. Don’t have black and white opinion on none of the above.

    I’ve experienced disillusion with A-H theory, as the article states it, but after the disillusion I kind of came to the conclusion that it is me who wants to understand the information that Abraham gives in a magical way.

    When I think about the theory Abraham gives, I kind of agree with a lot they say. I think they are speaking from a very distant point of view and I guess to them the world really must seem like what they are describing to us.

    As mentioned in one of the comments, me too, I still believe in the LOA, simply because I had experienced its workings way before I came in contact with A-H’s teachings. Going general seems a valid concept to me, moving up the emotional scale seems a valid concept to me, not focusing on the negativity seems valid concept to me, momentum, meditation, …

    The dangers of A-H philosophy are mainly in the way we can understand it. A-H actually describes processes that we already use automatically in our daily lives, they are just trying to make us conscious about it. The disilllusionement often comes because we take this information as something otherworldly which will save us from our pain, misery and all sorts of other life problems. At least that’s how I view my disillusionements with A-H material. For example: you cannot simply think of a thought and will it into being, although this is what one can conclude is needed according to A-H. But what is needed is also momentum and you cannot manifest something you don’t really desire, meaning it must come from your heart. Only the things you truly desire from your heart are you willing to focus upon for a long enough time to then act upon the desire and actually manifest it. Not every fleeting thought. I also believe not everyone actually desires things they “want”. Sometimes our wants are forced, because we think we have to have certain material things (are conditioned by society, neighbours, commercials …).

    What was poisonous for me in the whole thing was the way the teachings are conveyed. Too much happy fluffy talk. Too idealistic. As they say, we have the hands in the clay, and we do, WE do, not they. We actually know how the clay feels and have to find a way to channel our inner beings / voices but in a way that can be translated into physical reality and you know what: it doesn’t not always feel delicios to us, even when it doesn’t feel negative. Sometimes it just is, nothing special or we feel some satisfaction after some focused effort. And we sure don’t need some non-physical entity to explain us how to feel. I think they don’t have our perspective, they don’t know how it really feels when we’re here. The matter has some burden, even if it is a means for us to express ourselves, but it sure brings us down by default in comparison to what they feel above in the ethers.

    I cannot know 100% that A-H’s intentions are 100% pure. They seem valid, but also are easy to be misinterpreted because the other side lacks our perspective and fails to convey the information in a way that would be easier to understand for us correctly. I would advise people to drop any philosophy that doesn’t serve them in life, including A-H. The focus must be on this physical life, on the daily life with philosophy only in the back of our mind to guide us when the guidance is needed. I think the disillusionment comes when we give way more focus on the philosophy than is needed and not enough on the daily/ physical life.

    Hope the rant conveys my stance on the subject. Am willing to debate concrete examples.

  20. Retrospective IntrospectionDecember 24, 2018

    It’s the end of 2018, and I’ve been thinking about the past year as we head into the next one. I started having a terrible year around May and for a while turned to Abraham-Hicks for inspiration/uplifting. Like you, I felt better for a bit, but the more I listened to Esther, the more questions started creeping in and the worse I started feeling. While there are a few good things to take away from the LOA movement (which probably work for reasons different than the ones they give), overall I found it harmful:

    * Too many inconsistencies–is it that Esther is channeling so many different entities, or that Esther is filtering their advice through her own experience and perhaps wishful thinking? Is she even actually channeling?
    * Kindness, empathy, doing for others = all bad. Enough said about that.
    * Esther’s/Abe’s advice is rarely realistic (do nothing, wait for inspiration, go bathe in the sea, etc.). Not everyone is a millionaire, and most people have to work.
    * Victim blaming: abused children, Holocaust victims, people killed in 9/11… all their fault. Right.
    * Violent criminals, corrupt politicians, et al = just fine, no worse than anyone else. It’s OUR fault for how we see them, and if we would just look at them with love, everything would work out okay. Sure.
    * No one is allowed an opinion different to Abe’s. Abe knows everything.
    * There’s always a reason why what people want isn’t manifesting: there’s a “wobble” in their vibration, they aren’t as positive as they think they are, the universe is holding off for something better, they don’t really want what they think they want, etc. There’s never any possibility that any law other than the LOA is at play. It’s like studying physics and thinking gravity is the only force in the universe.
    * Using quantum mechanics to explain the LOA. Quantum decoherence says that quantum states cannot be extrapolated to a larger field because they fall apart.
    * Bad stuff manifests almost instantly when you have a negative vibration, but for some reason good stuff takes forever when your vibration is just as strong in the other direction. Hmmm…
    * There are no realities except good realities. Climate change? Doesn’t exist. Evil? No such thing.
    * God/Source/the universe has great love for us. The LOA is not punishment. But when we are in a bad place psychologically and thinking negative thoughts, the universe sends MORE of that, in effect, kicking us when we are down. This doesn’t just happen to people who understand the emotional scale, who could theoretically use the response of the universe as feedback. It happens to people who have no idea about the emotional scale, including infants and children. Where is the love in any of that? Kinda seems like punishment to me.

    Although at first the LOA feels really self-empowering, ultimately it becomes the opposite. You are to blame when anything bad happens to you, but when you want something good? You have to wait for an external locus of control, this mystical LOA (the origins of which Abe can never satisfactorily explain) to decide you’ve been positive enough and bestow it on you, like Santa Claus. In the end, it feels like the bible dressed up in different clothing.

    I do think the universe works in mysterious ways and there are synchronicities. I do believe most of the time it is wise to think the most satisfying thoughts about situation possible. There may be windows in the space-time continuum where we can even create our own realities. But there are too many unknowns for me to take the LOA and Abraham-Hicks’s teachings at face value without questioning them, so I’m passing for now. So glad to find this post and someone else who feels the way I do.

  21. This is very true. The message is simple yet they constantly over-complicate it to keep people coming back and listening. It’s sort of like a drug because you feel an ’emotional high’ when they say certain words and phrases that make you feel really good, but then as soon as you stop listening to them then reality sets in and you want to go back and listen to more in order to escape reality.

    They are way too repetitive as well. They keep coming up with new analogies to explain the same simple message so that it stays interesting and so people continue listening. I personally still believe in the LOA but I think you have to find your own way to apply the things that work for you.

    In general all these self-help motivational speakers are just too addictive and ultimately not helpful to me. They all say similar things too. But one thing Abraham Hicks says that I love is “Life experience teaches, not words”, and that’s something I am going to live by because you’re own life experience is the greatest teacher out there. You can realise what works best for you in life.

  22. I think this review says a lot about the writer’s unwillingness to take responsibility, along with his eagerness to blame others. “Creating superstitious followers…” How does any being “create” the mindset of another adult being? They can’t. If you became a superstitious follower, that’s on you.

  23. donna owenJuly 15, 2019

    I see a lot of pain in your experience, likely so with the intense creation of the website and astute revelation. From your articles it sounds like this program was a system of evading negative situations by avoiding them all together. I try at brainwashing into positivity at any expense.

    The key to what you are looking for is not found in this program. The key is in identifying our limited beliefs
    and processing them down so, they no longer have a hold on you. Reduce the intensity of those beliefs and intensify the beneficial beliefs.

    I can give you an example: I bought a 2011 Hyundai Sonata, I knew exactly what I wanted nice looking, great gas mileage, push button start but, because I considered my self a trendsetter, I knew that this car looked like any other car, not only did it look like some of the more popular cars but, more than ever the same color really, really annoyed me, each and everyday - it was a total reminder that it was not reflecting my unique and special personality. It came to the point that I realized it was a limiting belief about myself. Why did I need a trendsetting car color? after consideration, my life entire life, I had been working to show everyone how special I really am, that I am worthy without they "key color" that set me apart...Literally, I always spoke about my accomplishments and accolades to prove I was special. I took many risks and did things that set me apart to show people how special I was. Then, I realized, I don't need to be that person anymore, it was tiring and without that person, I let my those around me off the hook from dealing with me.

    Guess what.....I am already one has ever lived thru any lifetimes before like me and no one will live any lives after me as me.

    Now.....I don't even notice the damn cars, and I can focus on more important things.

    Such simple things always break down and create real tangible life changing shifts, we all just need the right tools.


    Donna Owen

  24. donna owenJuly 15, 2019

    Now, lets talk about spiritual responsibility......the church is a huge example of that one.

  25. Oh my god mel your comment is sarcastic. More than 90 percent fails at the law of attraction and all i can say is law of attraction is not the secret to success, it is not the only solution, in fact you do not need it. Tell the same cynism to billorionares who succeeded before law of attraction was even popular.
    Your just a basket of sarcasm.

  26. my soul free. Atleast now i know better

  27. Hi mel your are a perfect example cynism goodluck in proving to the internet that you are massived success with abraham hicks.

  28. Responsible SpiritualityNovember 18, 2019

    Comments are closed, but please check out RethinkingNewAge on Reddit and join the discussion there
